Moral Teachings of Islam

Summary of 6.20 “Prohibition to Safeguard Property”The first six programs that we had in this series covered the theory of ethics, the main conceptual framework of understanding the whole question of ethics and morality.’ We covered the main problems in ethics, the difference between secular and religious morality and the specific unique characteristics of the

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‘ Host:’ What is the meaning of the ikhlas? Jamal Badawi: The literal meaning for the ikhlas is purity.’ It is used to represent a number of things.’ In the Quran it is used to describe pure and wholesome milk (not mixed with anything).’ It is also used in the Quran to refer to purity

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Host:’ What is the meaning and translation of the term amaneh? Jamal Badawi: First of all, the common usage of the term amaneh in Arabic by an Arabic speaker is used to refer to honesty but as an Islamic term it carries more meaning.’ The term amaneh has a number of meanings which all rotate

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Host:’ Can you explain the meaning of truthfulness as a moral virtue in Islam? Jamal Badawi: Alsidque is the word used for truthfulness.’ Alsidque and its derivatives are found in more than a hundred places in the Quran.’ In the Quran we find that alsidque appears as a command to the believers as found in

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Host:’ Can you explain the meaning of the term humbleness in Islam? Jamal Badawi: Humbleness can be divided into two basic categories: one is humbleness before God and two, is humbleness with the creators of God.’ Humbleness with God implies faith in God and submission to His will this allows for one to follow what

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Host:’ How does the Quran describe compassion or mercy as a divine attribute? Jamal Badawi: According to the Quran mercy or compassion as a divine attribute is one of the most notable and highly emphasized of the divine attributes.’ It suffices to say that when one opens the Quran the first line before any of

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Host:’ What does the Quran have to say about forgiveness? Jamal Badawi: The first thing that the Quran emphasizes is the relationship between piety (being God conscious) and forgiveness.’ For example in (3:134) it describes a true believer ‘Those who spend (freely), whether in prosperity, or in adversity; who restrain anger, and pardon (all) men;-

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Host:’ What is the English equivalent for the term sabr and its explanation? Jamal Badawi: Typically people translate sabr as patience, which is an approximate meaning.’ Patience s is not a very good translation because it comes from the Latin origin which means suffering.’ Thus patience is understood in people’s minds as a passive type

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Host:’ What does the Quran have to say about the use or abuse of speech? Jamal Badawi: The ability to speak, human communication, is regarded in the Quran as one of the greatest bounties of God.’ In chapter fifty-five it talks about how He created mankind and taught him the power of expression and speech.’

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Host:’ Could you shed some light on moderation as a moral virtue in Islam? Jamal Badawi: The issue of moderation as a moral virtue reflects the approach that Islam takes towards life.’ This approach tries to inculcate a sense of balance in the heart and mind of the believer.’ Islam condemns and discourages excessive materialism

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The main objective of the Islamic moral code is to create an “Islamic personality” that lives by its deep faith of loving, conscious submission to God, and is nourished by His divine love. These features motivate the actions of this personality and help it restrain itself from temptation, due to its fear of displeasing God.

Islamic teachings address the curse of arrogance and pride and offer transformative path towards overcoming these traits.