Keeping the Family Together in the last 10 days of Ramadan:

Make use of the following tips:

Before the last ten days of Ramadan remind all members of the family of the virtues of these days.

Make use of the Prophet’s guidance in this regard.

Focus the family’s attention on the virtue of Laylatul Qadr.

Encourage the family to perform Tahajjud together on a daily basis.

Bring the family together everyday and recite some parts of the Qur’an, contemplate over the verses, and realize how to make use of such verses in daily life.

Encourage family member to perform more optional prayers.

Make the intention to perform i`tikaf in the house.

Agree to study the biography of the Prophet or any other Islamic book during this period.

Before the end of these days, agree on various matters, such as avoiding all kinds of sins, being regular in performing prayers in the mosque, reading one part of the Qur’an every day, and so on.

Prepare an iftar and invite family members you have not seen for some time, especially those with whom there has been some friction. Try to reconcile any differences during this blessed time.

The Family in the Last Third of Ramadan

Laylat ul-Qadr This will include educating one’s spouse and children about the virtue of Lailatul-Qadr, and the reward for observing night vigil in the last third of Ramadan. It will also be helpful to have a special hour during the night in which the family can sit around and read the Qur’an and contemplate its verses.


This is a wonderful opportunity to train one’s kids on how to develop the sense of giving and to train them on how to fulfill their obligation towards their fellow Muslims in need. Explaining the rules related to Zakatul-Fitr will surely help.


Encouraging one’s family to observe Itikaf will help disseminate a sense of piety in the hearts of one’s children. Indeed, encouraging kids to intermingle with the grown ups in Itikaf will help them learn about this meritorious Sunnah and emulate their example.