?Why Humanity Reveres Prophet Muhammad’s Character

When Muslims view the Prophet Muhammad as a role model, it is unsurprising because they believe in him as a divinely sent messenger to convey God’s message, teach, and guide people to the righteous path. But what does humanity as a whole find in the character of the Prophet ? What makes his character a role model not just for believers but for anyone searching for the “perfect human”?

This concept was present in the mind of Abbas Mahmoud al-Aqqad when he wrote his significant book, “The Genius of Muhammad.” Some misunderstood its aim, thinking that al-Aqqad wanted to separate the Prophet’s character from his prophetic mission to focus solely on his human aspects. This is incorrect. Al-Aqqad intended to highlight the various aspects of greatness in the Prophet’s life to conclude that his book appreciates “the genius of Muhammad” in a way that every human being should recognize, not just Muslims. Al-Aqqad stated that the book pays homage to Muhammad because he is a role model for all people in virtues that the sincere desire for all humanity.

So, when anyone, Muslim or not, examines the Prophet’s character for aspects of human perfection, they will find the best of what humanity can achieve embodied in his persona. He is the model chosen by God for His servants to follow, aiming for human perfection exemplified in him. Humanity can always aspire to this perfection and purity, even if they can never fully attain his level of excellence; it is enough to draw inspiration from his light and follow his guidance as much as they can.

The Completeness of the Prophet Muhammad’s Character

It is common to see a person excelling in one aspect of life to a remarkable level, garnering admiration and praise, while other aspects may not be as exceptional. However, the Prophet excelled in every facet of his personality, appearing to have devoted his entire effort to each one.

As a devout worshipper, he constantly remembered God day and night, prayed until his feet swelled, and was known for seeking forgiveness numerous times a day.

As a warrior, he was the closest to the enemy, leading the ranks without fear, standing firm, and inspiring those around him.

In everyday life, he established a state, managed markets, formed treaties, corresponded with kings, and guided his followers to safe havens like Abyssinia.

Socially, he was a just husband, serving his family, showing kindness despite occasional faults, and competing in races with his wives. He was an exemplary father, advising his children, and compassionate with his servants.

In every aspect, his life was marked by honesty and trustworthiness, traits that were recognized even before his prophetic mission.

This extensive and multi-dimensional excellence in his character is what makes him a perfect example for humanity.

Realism Blended with Idealism

The second notable aspect is that despite reaching the heights of idealism, the Prophet’s character remained relatable and realistic. He acted like any other human: expressing satisfaction and anger (always truthfully), engaging in commerce, marrying, and being emotionally affected by life events like the loss of his son. He provided opinions on worldly matters and adjusted them if necessary, interacted with his companions humorously, and participated in household chores.

These aspects demonstrate the Prophet’s realism, making it feasible for people to emulate his character, even if they cannot achieve his level of perfection. This realism is why prophets are human and not angels, ensuring that people can relate to and follow their example.

When the people of Mecca questioned why the prophet was a human, the Quran responded, indicating that if angels walked the earth, the messenger would be an angel. This emphasizes that the messenger must be relatable to those he is sent to guide.


Thus, through the completeness of his character and the blend of idealism with realism in his life, humanity finds in the Prophet Muhammad a role model, an example, and a standard of perfection and purity. The Quran sums this up: “Say, ‘I am only a man like you to whom has been revealed that your god is one God. So, whoever hopes for the meeting with his Lord – let him do righteous work and not associate in the worship of his Lord anyone'” (Al-Kahf: 110).