Social System of Islam

Summary of 7.40 Marital Relations V (Husband’s Rights)We continued the rights of the husband last week.’ More particularly we covered the question of leadership within the family and the ‘obligation of the wife’ towards him and her obedience.’ We covered this with sayings of the Prophet.’ We also examined some of the basis with which

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Summary of 7.41 “Marital Relations and Children’s RightsLast week we mainly covered two major areas.’ One was a continuation of the discussion of the rights of the husband as they manifest in day to day life and the obligations of the wife towards the husband.’ The major of the program dealt with the rights of

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Summary of 7.42 “Rights of Parents”In last week’s program we discussed what is mentioned in the Quran and Prophetic Tradition concerning the rights of parents and their treatment.’ We indicated that the Arabic word birr which translates to kind treatment, respect, obedience and financial help.’ We indicated that these elements are applicable and still hold

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Summary of 7.43 “Rights of Relatives”Last week we continued our discussion on the rights of parents and relatives and the remaining part of the program focussed on the question of resolution of marriage or divorce.’ Three major points were made: first from the comparative standpoint Islam takes a moderate position in regards to divorce without

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Summary of 7.44 “Marital Problems”The main issue that was raised is that divorce in Islam is not as easy as some may think.’ There are preventative measure that may take place like the careful selection of one’s spouse and trying to live by Islamic Law with each other.’ Also, there are measures that can be

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Summary of 7.45 Dissolution of Marriage I First, we emphasized that the right to seek divorce in an unsuccessful and unhappy marriage is a principle which applies in Islam to both wife and husband.’ Divorce is not the exclusive right of the husband and we talked about the four different cases.’ Second, we said that

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