The Holy Quran serves as a paramount source for extracting the principles of civilization, detailing the rise and fall of nations. It encompasses extensive narratives about previous civilizations, urging reflection on their diverse destinies. Many of these stories act as cautionary tales against the actions of oppressive and tyrannical communities:
“And when We intend to destroy a city, We command its affluent to forsake their homes, but they defiantly disobey therein; so the word comes into effect upon it, and We destroy it with [complete] destruction. And how many generations have We destroyed after Noah. And sufficient is your Lord as a witness against the wrongdoers.” (Surah Al-Isra: 16-17).
Introduction to the Story of Dhul-Qarnayn
Among the compelling narratives in the Quran is the story of Dhul-Qarnayn, a figure who journeyed to the eastern and western extremities of the earth. His significant impact on reforming the societies and lands he visited was driven by his strength and commitment to the monotheistic message.
Dhul-Qarnayn’s Encounter with the People of the Dam
One notable episode is his interaction with the People of the Dam, where Allah Almighty recounts:
**“Then he followed a right course. Until, when he reached between two mountains, he found beside them a people who could hardly understand [his] speech. They said, ‘O Dhul-Qarnayn, indeed Gog and Magog are [great] corrupters in the land. So may we assign for you an expenditure that you might make between us and them a barrier?’ He said, ‘That in which my Lord has established me is better [than what you offer], but assist me with strength; I will make between you and them a dam. Bring me sheets of iron.’
**“And make a decree between me and you that I will not release until the promise of my Lord comes to pass.’
“So he followed a right course. Until, when he came to the junction of the two seas, he found beneath them a people who could hardly understand [his] speech. They said, ‘O Dhul-Qarnayn, indeed Gog and Magog are [great] corrupters in the land. So may we assign for you an expenditure that you might make between us and them a barrier?’ He said, ‘That in which my Lord has established me is better [than what you offer], but assist me with strength; I will make between you and them a dam. Bring me sheets of iron.’” (Surah Al-Kahf: 92-97).
Malek Bennabi’s Civilization Equation
Rather than delving into the debates among Quranic interpreters regarding descriptions, timeframes, and locations, we focus on leveraging the civilizational capabilities initiated by Dhul-Qarnayn. This approach aims to uplift an ignorant, submissive, and oppressed nation, transforming it into an active historical force. Drawing inspiration from Malek Bennabi’s civilization equation, we explore how the Quran, Sunnah, and prophetic actions in biography, politics, and education have historically empowered the Arabs from scattered tribes to a dynamic civilization.
Components of Civilization According to Malek Bennabi
Malek Bennabi defines civilization as the product of the interaction among three key components: humans, natural resources (soil), and time, all driven by a fundamental religious idea. This equation integrates these elements to formulate effective civilizational action.
Activating Energies and the Story of Dhul-Qarnayn
Simplifying the theory or linking it to the story’s outcomes reveals critical signs and landmarks essential for comprehensive civilizational action. This process aligns with the will and effectiveness that purify the human soul and refine morals, positioning the individual as a companion to the universe in the pursuit of complete servitude to Allah Almighty. This leads to investing in divine commands and following prophetic guidance in building the earth beautifully, encompassing all human endeavors from the simplest to the most complex.
The Connection Between the People of the Dam, Dhul-Qarnayn, and Malek Bennabi’s Civilization Equation
A. Humans
The initial people described as ignorant, weak, and feeble (unable to understand a word) disrupted their intellectual and sensory faculties, neglected reasoning, and resorted to scarcity and pettiness. They imposed a tax (tribute or levy), relying on others for defense and underestimating their inherent strength provided by Allah. This psychological weakness parallels contemporary subjugation and reliance on external forces for defense, often at the expense of their own resources and heritage.
Solution by Dhul-Qarnayn:
- Harnessing human energy: “assist me with strength”
- Activating willpower
- Instilling awareness of inherent strengths
- Encouraging diligent preparation to confront imminent threats
B. Soil (Natural Resources)
Dhul-Qarnayn’s call to utilize natural resources, specifically iron sheets, required expertise in extraction, transformation, and engineering. This process necessitated the use of fire energy and advanced technology, emphasizing the importance of management, coordination, and organization. Islam prioritizes the efficient use of human and natural resources, as evidenced by prophetic teachings on resource extraction and the condemnation of unemployment.
Prophetic Guidance:
- Extraction of metals for useful materials (Sunan Abi Dawood, 3058)
- Encouraging self-sufficiency and condemning unemployment (Muslim, Book of Zakat, Hadith No. 687)
C. Time
Civilizational action demands effective time management to balance preparation, planning, execution, and evaluation. Drawing parallels from cosmic events described in the Quran, such as the creation of the heavens and the earth in six days and the formation of the fetus in nine months, emphasizes the importance of allocating time for comprehensive development.
From Dhul-Qarnayn’s Story:
- Comprehensive preparatory works
- Transition from submission to empowered strength
- Processes: Instilling awareness, activating effectiveness, utilizing resources, planning, engineering, and construction
D. Religious or Driving Idea
The motivating factor for achieving civilizational goals is a religious idea that inspires and unites. Dhul-Qarnayn connected his achievements to divine power and kindness, fostering a desire for servitude to Allah. This connection ensures that all outcomes and destinies are ultimately aligned with divine will.
Divine Connection:
“What enabled me was my Lord, better [than what you offer].”
“He said, ‘This is a mercy from my Lord; but when the promise of my Lord comes, He will make it level, and the promise of my Lord is truth.’” (Surah Al-Kahf: 98).
Every civilizational structure and social action must incorporate the principles derived from the Quranic story of Dhul-Qarnayn and Malek Bennabi’s civilization equation. Ignoring these spiritual and moral foundations will render any effort incomplete or defective in the near future:
“Do they not look at the first of the people? But there will not be any change to the way of Allah. Indeed, the way of Allah is a straight path.” (Surah Fatir: 43).
By Muhammad Abdel Halim Bishi