Introduction: The Value of Time in Islam

In one of the shortest yet most powerful surahs, Surah Al-Asr, we are reminded that our entire existence in this life would be utterly wasted, futile, and pointless unless we have faith in Allah, act righteously, and join others in encouraging truthfulness, patience, and perseverance (Al-Asr 103).

Time as a Test of Faith and Patience

Throughout our lives, we will encounter both hardship and prosperity, grief and happiness. Allah tests us with success and suffering to see who is best in faith and to evaluate our iman. For the believer, time is a precious asset—a chance to seek Allah’s mercy, ask for forgiveness, and perform more good deeds.

The Irrecoverable Nature of Time

We must use our time wisely because wasted time can never be recovered. Time and tide wait for no one. Time passes on, whether used or abused, and the two angels on our shoulders record every action in our book of deeds.

Don’t we often wish we could live our lives again from the start, so we could correct the wrongs we did? Or that our successes could be repeated over and over again? The very fact that we now wish to forget our mistakes, or want to repeat our good deeds, shows that we have learned from our experiences over time. Indeed, Allah has placed time at our service as a teacher—one that allows both good and bad things to happen. However, the decision rests with our own free will.

Lessons from History: The Triumph of Good Over Evil

If we look back in history, we see that, over time, every unjust oppressor was destroyed. Eventually, good prevails over evil, but this only comes with effort and sacrifice. The hard work, suffering, humility, and perseverance of all the Prophets of Allah helped justice prevail over oppression.

Consider Prophet Musa (Moses) and Pharaoh, or Prophet Muhammad and the tribe of Quraish. Allah Almighty reminds us in the Qur’an:

“Whoever does good, it is for his own soul, and whoever does evil, it is against it.” (Fussilat 41:46)

The Divine Creation and Mastery of Time

Time wears out and destroys all material things. But time itself was created by Allah. Allah Alone is the Master of time, and He punishes and rewards us in relation to how we use our time.

Using Time to Fulfill Our Purpose

We have the power to use time to make our world a better place. But are we truly aware of the value of time? Does our use of time show that we understand the purpose for which we were created? Do we fully realize that we cannot escape Allah’s judgment? Allah created us to serve Him and Him Alone, and all our actions must reflect this. Our actions must be in harmony with all other creatures and must align with the Divine Plan of Allah.

The Role of Time in Worship (`Ibadah)

Certain forms of ibadah (worship) need to be observed at definite, prescribed times, such as our prayers, fasting, hajj, and Jumuah. We cannot perform Jumuah at any time according to our convenience, like on a Saturday or Sunday afternoon! Our daily routines must fit with our Islamic duties that are time-related. In this way, all our good actions become an extension of our ibadah.

Avoiding the Distractions of Modern Life

Time is valuable. Let us not waste it on vain conversations and petty arguments. Instead, let us use our time creatively to move forward, both as individuals and as an Ummah. Every moment in time is a favor Allah bestows on us, and surely we must repay honor with honor.

In today’s rapidly changing world, where distractions abound and life’s pace seems ever faster, the importance of time becomes even more evident. Social media, technology, and modern entertainment can easily consume our days, leaving little room for reflection, worship, and self-improvement. It is essential that we recognize these distractions for what they are—tests of how we use our time.

Conclusion: Making the Most of Every Moment

Let us, therefore, commit to using our time not only in fulfilling our obligations to Allah but also in contributing positively to our communities and the world at large. Whether through acts of charity, spreading knowledge, or simply being a source of comfort and support to those around us, every moment can be an opportunity to earn Allah’s favor.

We must express our gratitude to Allah Almighty by using every moment in His service—by teaching others, inviting others to good, and serving our less fortunate brothers and sisters in distress. In doing so, we fulfill the true purpose of our creation and ensure that our time on this earth is well spent.We must express our gratitude to Allah Almighty by using every moment in His service—by teaching others, inviting others to good, and serving our less fortunate brothers and sisters in distress. In doing so, we fulfill the true purpose of our creation and ensure that our time on this earth is well spent.

By Arshad Gamiet