Social System of Islam

‘ Host:’ How does this series related to the previous (6) series that we have completed? ‘ Jamal Badawi: In the first five series the focus was mainly on matters of belief and worship in Islam.’ For example, these series dealt with the question of monotheism, prophethood, Muslim belief and the Pillars of Islam.’ In

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Summary of 7.1′ “Human Brotherhood and Equality I”‘ The main point that was discussed last time is that the concept of human equality and brotherhood is a very profound principle in Islam.’ It emphasizes that all human beings come from the same common parenthood through Adam and Eve and that there is no levels of

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Summary of 7.2 “Human Brotherhood and Equality II”‘ In the second program we continued the discussion about the common origin of mankind.’ We quoted a passage in the Quran with the story of creation and we analyzed the story with its emphasis on the trusteeship of mankind on earth, the dignified position of the human

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Summary of 7.3 “Human Brotherhood and Equality III”‘ In the last program we continued the subject of human equality and brotherhood and we sighted some of the deeds and sayings of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) in order to make clear the principles that were annunciated in the Quran.’ We indicated that the only criterion for superiority

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Summary of 7.4 “Brotherhood of Faith”‘ The main thrust of the topic which was a continuation of the broader are of human equality and brotherhood was the concept of Ummah.’ Ummah means a community of believers (Islam does not except the term nation because it is very limited by geography, time, history or language) who

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Summary of 7.5 “Social Relations and Choice of Friends”‘ The topic last week was an extension of our topic on brotherhood with a focus on selection of friends.’ We indicated that selection of friends is part of Islamic teachings because it has a far reaching impact on the character and way of thinking of an

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Summary of 7.6 “Social Responsibility I”‘ First we emphasized that Islam is not an individualistic religion which only regulates the relationship between man and God.’ Islam actually goes beyond that as it also regulates the relationships between mankind and between mankind and the universe at large.’ In the Quran it addresses people in the plural

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Host:’ What was the situation in regards to ‘Slaves’ when the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) came with the message? ‘ Jamal Badawi: One major characteristic was that slavery was wide spread in all parts of the world.’ It may have taken different forms but some form of it did exist everywhere and in some cases it

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Summary of 7.8 “Emancipation of ‘Slaves’ I”‘ First we indicated that at the advent of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) 1400 years ago slavery was both wide spread and inhuman.’ The challenge of Islam was to try and change the situation by providing emancipation on three planes: physical, psychological and spiritual.’ We mentioned that the approach that

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‘ Host:’ What is the significance of the family and how does this tie in with the social system of Islam? ‘ Jamal Badawi: In the first nine programs we talked broadly about the social system in Islam but we have not talked about the corner stone of this system which is the family.’ From

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Summary of 7.10 “Place of Family in Islam”‘ Basically, we said that since we are dealing with the social system in Islam, the corner stone of society is the family.’ We started off by indicating that from a Muslim point of view a family can be a number of persons who are related by blood

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Summary of 7.11 “Position of Women in Ancient Civilization”‘ The first point addressed the relevance of women in history.’ We said that Islam did not just make some improvements relevant to the seventh century but not relevant today.’ The main purpose was to understand some of the background that existed in the world towards women

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Summary of 7.12 “Women in Judaeo-Christian and Muslim Scriptures I”‘ First of all, we compared the attitude towards women as reflected in the Old Testament with the Quran.’ We compared three major areas.’ One, the creation of Adam and Eve and the responsibility for the first sin.’ According to the Bible the woman is blamed

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Summary of 7.13 “Women in Judaeo-Christian and Muslim Scriptures II”‘ We continued with the comparison of the Judaeo-Christian and Islamic views by looking at how each deals with women in the case of rape (reference from the book of Deuteronomy 22).’ We dealt with the case of a man accusing his wife of committing adultery

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Summary of 7.14 “Position of Women in Islam-Spiritual Aspect”‘ Last week’s program looked at the position of women in Islam, first from the human and spiritual perspective.’ Islam dispelled all the arguments that proceeded the advent of Islam in the later part of the sixth century where they had religious conferences to decide whether a

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Summary of 7.15 “Position of Women in Islam-Economic Aspect”‘ The previous program dealt mainly with the economic rights of a Muslim woman in accordance with Islamic Law.’ In Islamic Law a woman has the full right to own property in her own name and to dispose of it in any way that she prefers regardless

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Summary of 7.16 “Position of Women in Islam-Social Aspect”‘ The previous program addressed a woman’s position in Islam from a social point of view.’ We looked at a woman’s position as a daughter, wife and mother.’ We also indicated that Islam forbade female infanticide and strongly condemned the feeling of grief when a baby girl

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Summary of 7.17 “Position of Women in Islam-Political Aspect I”‘ First of all we addressed whether a Muslim woman according to Islamic Law is permitted to participate in political activities.’ We said that what we mean by political activities is things that pertain to public affairs and the overall affairs of society.’ We indicated that

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Summary of 7.18 “Position of Women in Islam-Political Aspect II”‘ The first part was a continuation of Muslim women and public affairs or what we call today political life.’ We used the example during the days of Omar, the second Caliph after the Prophet, who was corrected by a woman in the Masijid.’ We made

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Summary of 7.19 “Muslim Women in History I”‘ In the very early part of the program we continued the discussion of the expectancy of the witness of a Muslim woman and we went into some final details’ in order to clarify the issue. ‘ The focus of the program was focused on actual examples of

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