- Standing upon the Mount of `Arafah on the Eighth Day for a time out of fear that the moon was wrongly sighted.
- The lighting of many candles on the night of `Arafah at Mina.
- Making Du`aa’ on the night of `Arafah with ten phrases – saying them a thousand times: (Glory be to Him Whose Throne is above the sky…)
- Going direct from Makkah to `Arafah on the eight day.
- Traveling to `Arafah from Mina at night.
- Lighting fires and candles upon the Mount of `Arafah on the night of `Arafah.
- Bathing for the day of `Arafah.
- Saying when nearing `Arafah and upon seeing the Mount of Mercy (Jabal ur-Rahmah): Subhanallah walhamdulillah …
- Saying Tahleel 100 times upon `Arafah, then reading Surat ul-Ikhlas, then sending blessings upon the Prophet 100 times and then saying “and upon us”.
- Remaining silent upon `Arafah and leaving Du`aa’.
- Exerting huge effort to climb upon the Mount of Mercy (Jabal ur-Rahmah) and exposing oneself to dangers while doing so.
- Entering the Dome upon the Mount of Mercy which they call “The Dome of Adam” and praying in it, and making Tawaf of it.
- Believing that Allah, Almighty, descends in the night of `Arafah upon the Dark Green Mountain and shakes hands with the riders and embraces those who are walking.
- The imams saying to the people of Makkah after finishing the prayer in `Arafah: “Complete your prayers for we are travelers.”
- Praying Nafl prayers between Zuhr and `Asr in `Arafah.
- Specifying a certain Du`aa’ or Dhikr for `Arafah, like the Du`aa’ of al-Khidr (peace be upon him) which is mentioned in “Ihya `Uloom ud-Deen” and begins “O Him Who is not diverted from something by another…” and other Du`aa’s – some of them reaching five written pages.
- Leaving `Arafah before sunset.
- What has become common upon the tongues of the people that the standing in `Arafah on Friday is equivalent to 72 pilgrimages.
- Gathering on the evening of `Arafah in congregational mosques or in places outside towns and cities – making Du`aa’ and Dhikr and raising their voices very much, in addition to reciting sermons and poetry, in order to imitate the people in `Arafah.
Common Mistakes made while Standing on `Arafah
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