In the holy month of Ramadan, we fulfill the obligation of fasting, do a lot of worship and charity, and attain spiritual tranquility. Fasting gives a boost to our physical lives and refreshes our spiritual lives. A third parallel has emerged in recent times which has made inroads into both our physical and spiritual lives i.e. virtual life. A life which revolves round digital gadgets and is controlled by the internet. Dependency on electronic gadgets and internet keeps on in increasing. Digital fasting is a way to reduce this dependency.
?What is Digital Fasting
Digital fasting refers to voluntarily limiting or eliminating the use of digital devices such as smartphones, tablets, and computers for a specific period—especially during Ramadan. This modern-day detox helps individuals reconnect with real-life moments and deepen their spiritual experience.
How to Practice Digital Fasting (Step-by-Step Guide)
Well, this can be easy and difficult given the nature and necessity of the use of gadgets. For those who remain connected to the virtual world without real need, it might be a bit easier compared to the ones whose jobs, businesses, education, etc. are totally digitally dependent. Let us list down how to observe digital fasting from the easiest to the hardest way. You can start with the easiest one.
- Log off from your social media accounts
- Disable your instant messaging app notifications
- Close your email app to prevent email notification popping up
- Disable Wi-Fi and switch off mobile data packs
- Switch to a dumb phone for a limited period, allowing only calls and SMS
- Switch off your mobile altogether, be offline completely
Why Digital Fasting is Important During Ramadan
- Realize the importance of time:
When you disconnect from the digital world you are disconnected from the hate filled political debates, the ever divisive and never reconciling sectarian bashing, scrolling on reels and drifting from one subject to the other, watching market trends, and many such things. You begin to realize that you were spending too much time on these. When disconnected you find plenty of time – time enough to spend with your family, time enough to knock at your neighbor’s door and enquire their wellbeing, time enough to sit with the Imam of your local masjid, and the list goes on.
Ibn Abbas (May Allah be pleased with him) reported:
Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) said, “There are two blessings in which many people incur loss. (They are) health and free time (for doing good)“. [Al-Bukhari]
- Conserve Resources:
The longer you are digitally active the more your bandwidth and data consumption is. Not only yours’ but of others too because we keep downloading big volume content and keep forwarding to our contacts which in turn do the same. Staying connected means keeping the device charged too thereby consuming electricity. These resources come at a cost. You alone saving these resources would be less than a drop in the ocean. But imagine the resource being saved if the digital fasting trend grows exponentially and a million people go offline for a day.
Allah says in the Quran:
“but do not waste. Surely He does not like the wasteful”
[Surah Al Ana’am, part of verse 141]
At another place Allah says
“Surely the wasteful are ˹like˺ brothers to the devils. And the Devil is ever ungrateful to his Lord.”
[Surah Al Isra’a, verse 27]
- Track and Reduce Screen Time
Install a screentime measuring app. This will show you how much time in a day you are spending on the screen. When you know this average time, you will be able to analyze and plan where you can reduce. Often there is a tendency to blind forward, repost and retweet messages and videos without distinguishing between a fact and a fake, unknowingly falling into the trap of spreading lies. One of the improvement steps is to avoid unnecessary, unauthentic forwarding.
Abu Hurairah (May Allah be pleased with him) said:
The Prophet (ﷺ) said, “It is enough for a man to prove himself a liar when he goes on narrating whatever he hears.” [Muslim].
- Experience a Slower, More Intentional Life
During Ramadan fasting we get slowed down naturally. We also try to postpone non-essential activities and focus more on worshipping. Digital fasting will also slow you down. For example, you will not have access to order groceries online with a few clicks. You don’t have access to online payment platforms. So, you need to walk down to the nearest ATM or bank branch, stand in queue to withdraw cash. You need to go to the market, pick up the items you need, make payments and bring the groceries home.
- Reconnect with the past
With the slowdown during digital fasting, you get a chance to connect with the past when all activities were manual and self-performed. You experience how the world continued earlier without the clicking facilities. In the past also things continued to move and thrive as well.
- Reduce Eye Strain and Mental Clutter
If you are used to reading Quran on your gadget, take a break; read from the printed copy. Maybe, it has gathered dust since you switched to digital reading. Though the text and the message of the Quran remain the same, reading from the printed copy prevents the strain on your eyes which comes due to constant glaring on the screen. Reading while connected online can often result in distractions while an email notification or an instant message or a new social media post pop up.
- Pinch of advice
If you are reading online on other subjects, disconnect from the e-books for a while and discuss the topic with your elders, shuyukhs and subject matter experts. They might add a pinch of advice with the bunch of experience they have on the subject. Sit in the company of learned people, gain from their knowledge and wisdom. This is also mentioned in the Quran.
” So ask the people of knowledge if you do not know”
[Surah An-Nahl, verse 43]
- Test Your Tawakkul (Trust in Allah)
Your digitally dependent business may worry you that not posting content for a day might result in revenue loss. This is a test of Tawakkul how much we believe that what is ordained for us will come to us no matter what.
Allah says in the Quran:
“and provide for them from sources they could never imagine. And whoever puts their trust in Allah, then He ˹alone˺ is sufficient for them. Certainly Allah achieves His Will. Allah has already set a destiny for everything.
[Surah At-Talaq, verse 3]
If you are offline with an intention of a real good deed, then this loss will be compensated in a better way InshaAllah. The intention of this real good deed can be as small as kissing the palms of your parents, helping them to take a walk, or watering a plant or feeding a bird, just to name a few.
When to Practice Digital Fasting?
There is no fixed day(s) when you can digitally fast. Those who are used to Sunnah fasting on Monday’s and Thursday’s can combine the digital fast. Or those who fast on the white days (13, 14, 15 of every lunar month) can combine digital fast with these days. Or it can be any day(s) of your choice, but what matters most is being consistent. Consistency will hopefully lessen the shackles of the virtual world, if not break them completely.
The digital seclusion challenge
The highest level of perfection in the Ramadan worship is Itekaf – the physical seclusion from the world and dedication towards worship and remembrance of Allah. It disconnects from the material and connects with the spiritual. Similarly, a digital seclusion would mean completely offline for a specific day(s) with all gadgets and phones switched off. It would be like disconnect from virtual and connect with real.
Seems Impossible? Take this as a challenge. If you are able to do, then throw this challenge to your friends and family
Collect the real “likes” from the deeds recording angels, earn smiles from Allah Almighty.
Are you ready? Start with Bismillah
By Ajaz Ahmed*