The Day of Tarwiyah falls on the eighth day of Dhul-Hijjah, one of the blessed ten days in the Islamic calendar. Allah swore by these days in His Holy Book: {By the dawn * And [by] ten nights} (Al-Fajr: 1-2). Good deeds during these days are more virtuous than at any other time, as narrated by Ibn Abbas (may Allah be pleased with him), who said: The Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) said, “There are no days in which righteous deeds are more beloved to Allah than these ten days (meaning the ten days of Dhul-Hijjah).” They said, “Not even Jihad for the sake of Allah?” He said, “Not even Jihad, except for a man who goes out with his life and his wealth at risk and returns with nothing.” (Bukhari).

What is the Day of Tarwiyah?

The Day of Tarwiyah is the eighth day of Dhul-Hijjah, during which pilgrims head to Mina. Those performing Hajj Tamattu’ enter into the state of Ihram for Hajj, while those performing Hajj Qiran and Hajj Ifrad remain in their state of Ihram. Pilgrims spend the night in Mina, following the Sunnah, and perform five prayers: Zuhr, Asr, Maghrib, Isha, and Fajr (of the Day of Arafah). On this day, pilgrims begin preparing for the significant rites of Hajj, getting ready for standing before Allah on the Day of Arafah, a day of forgiveness, pride, and emancipation from the Fire.

The Origin of the Name “Day of Tarwiyah”

The name “Day of Tarwiyah” has been explained by the author of Al-Misbah Al-Munir, who said: “The Day of Tarwiyah is the eighth of Dhul-Hijjah because water was scarce in Mina, and people would provide themselves with water for the days to come. The term is also used to describe the process of carrying and transmitting Hadith, derived from the same root.”

Another reason mentioned by some scholars is that it was named Tarwiyah because when Ibrahim (peace be upon him) was commanded to sacrifice his son, he thought deeply about whether this command was from Allah or from Satan, so it was called the Day of Tarwiyah (Reflection).

The Importance of the Day of Tarwiyah in Hajj

The Day of Tarwiyah holds significant importance in Hajj rituals, as it is the day when pilgrims, whether arriving from abroad or locals, specify the type of Hajj they will perform and enter into Ihram. The Imam traditionally delivers a sermon on the seventh day of Dhul-Hijjah in Makkah to teach people the rules of Hajj, following the Hadith of Ibn Umar (may Allah be pleased with him): “The Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) used to deliver a sermon on the day before the Day of Tarwiyah, teaching people the rituals of Hajj.” (Bayhaqi, with a good chain of narration).

Preparation for Hajj rituals and entering into Ihram according to the chosen type of Hajj (Ifrad, Qiran, or Tamattu’) are essential on this day. Pilgrims move to Mina before noon, preparing for the major pillar of standing at Arafat the next day. The day is also known as the Day of Transfer, as people move from their homes in Makkah to Mina, and it is recommended for pilgrims to spend the night in Mina before the Day of Arafah.

Actions on the Day of Tarwiyah for Pilgrims

  1. On the Day of Tarwiyah, the eighth of Dhul-Hijjah, it is recommended for those who have exited Ihram after performing Umrah (those performing Tamattu’) to enter into Ihram for Hajj in the forenoon from their residences, as well as for those intending to perform Hajj from the locals of Makkah. However, those performing Qiran or Ifrad remain in their original state of Ihram.
  2. It is recommended to perform Ghusl (ritual purification), clean oneself, apply perfume, and do what was done when entering into Ihram from the Miqat (station of Ihram).
  3. One should intend Hajj in their heart and say the Talbiyah: (Labbayk Allahumma Hajj). If one fears any obstacle that may prevent the completion of their Hajj, they should stipulate by saying: (If something prevents me, then my place of exit from Ihram is wherever You prevent me).

If one is performing Hajj on behalf of another, they should intend so in their heart and say: (Labbayk Allahumma Hajj on behalf of so-and-so). Then continue with the Talbiyah: (Labbayk Allahumma Labbayk, Labbayk La Shareeka Laka Labbayk, Innal Hamda Wan-Ni’mata Laka Wal-Mulk, La Shareeka Lak).

  1. It is recommended to head to Mina before noon, frequently reciting the Talbiyah.
  2. In Mina, pilgrims perform the Zuhr, Asr, Maghrib, Isha, and Fajr prayers, shortening the four-unit prayers without combining them, except for Maghrib and Fajr, which are not shortened. This follows the Prophet’s (peace be upon him) practice: “The Prophet (peace be upon him) prayed the people of Makkah and others in Mina, shortening the prayer, not differentiating between the locals of Makkah and others, and he did not command them to complete the prayer.” (Narrated by Muslim).
  3. It is recommended for pilgrims to spend the night in Mina before the Day of Arafah, following the practice of the Prophet (peace be upon him). After the Fajr prayer, they remain in Mina until sunrise, then proceed to Arafat, either reciting the Talbiyah or Takbeer, as Anas (may Allah be pleased with him) said: “Some of us would recite the Talbiyah, and others would recite the Takbeer, and none would object to the other.” The Prophet (peace be upon him) approved of both, but the Talbiyah was his primary practice.

Prophetic Hadiths about the Day of Tarwiyah

In Sahih Bukhari, Abdul Aziz ibn Rafi’ said: I asked Anas ibn Malik (may Allah be pleased with him), “Tell me something you remember about the Prophet (peace be upon him) concerning where he prayed Zuhr and Asr on the Day of Tarwiyah.” He said, “In Mina.” I asked, “Where did he pray Asr on the Day of Departure?” He said, “In Al-Abtah.” Then he said, “Do as your leaders do.”

In the lengthy Hadith narrated by Jabir describing the Hajj of the Prophet (peace be upon him): “On the Day of Tarwiyah, they headed to Mina and entered into Ihram for Hajj. The Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) rode to Mina and prayed Zuhr, Asr, Maghrib, Isha, and Fajr.” (Narrated by Muslim).

The Day of Tarwiyah is significant for pilgrims as they head to Mina, enter into Ihram for Hajj, and spend the night in Mina following the Sunnah. This day marks the beginning of the preparations for standing at Arafat, the pinnacle of Hajj, where they seek Allah’s forgiveness, pride, and emancipation from the Fire.