Prophet Muhammad and knowledge…It is well known that the scientific and cultural movement initiated by the Prophet Muhammad was multifaceted. The Islamic era, which began under his leadership in Medina, marked the dawn of a new era and brought immense benefits to humanity. It was an era of science, culture, and knowledge. Many scholars, both Eastern and Western, believe that Prophet Muhammad inaugurated a new era and an age of enlightenment, science, and knowledge. His struggle to spread the message of Allah aimed to remove the entrenched ignorant and pagan beliefs and dark social patterns of that pre-Islamic society.

This motivated Dr. Marx to famously state: “This Prophet , who inaugurated an age of science, enlightenment, and knowledge with his message, necessitates that his words and actions be documented in a scientific manner. Given that these teachings [referring to the Prophet Muhammad ] are divine revelations, he had to eliminate the distortions and alterations introduced by ignorance into previous messages. This is precisely what the Prophet did.”

“Since 700 AD, the light of Arab-Islamic civilization extended from the eastern Mediterranean to Persia in the east and Spain in the west. A significant portion of ancient knowledge was rediscovered, and new discoveries were made in mathematics, chemistry, physics, and other sciences. In these fields, as in others, Arabs served as teachers to Europe, contributing significantly to the scientific renaissance on the continent.”

The First Teaching of the Prophet : Reading

Nasri Saleh says: “The first clear verses were that wonderful call to knowledge, to science through reading… (Read) 3… This command from Allah was not just for Muhammad but for all people, to clarify from the very first step, indeed from the first word, that Islam came to eradicate ignorance and spread knowledge and learning.”

This is also praised by Wagner, who states: “… Islam is the religion of knowledge, and it suffices that the first verse revealed to Muhammad in the Quran is Allah’s command: (Read). This is a unique approach that is hard to find in the history of churches and other religions. Through my Islamic studies and readings in the Quran, which addresses every small and significant matter and is free from falsehood, I found the peace and security I sought.

Prophet Muhammad and knowledge

Leon highlights that one of the remarkable aspects of the Prophet’s approach to knowledge is the respect for the intellect. Islam “never demands its followers to abandon this vital divine faculty. Contrary to other religions that compel their followers to accept certain principles without free thought or questioning, enforced by the authority of the church, Islam loves inquiry and encourages its followers to study, research, and reflect before believing. Islam endorses the wisdom: Prove everything right and hold on to the good. This is not surprising, for wisdom is the lost property of the believer, and he is the most deserving of it wherever he finds it. Islam is the religion of intellect and logic… Islam is truth, its weapon is knowledge, and its arch-enemy is ignorance.”

The famous thinker Auguste Comte also discusses this point, noting Islam’s ability to engage and encompass all minds, philosophies, and human thoughts. He expressed this by saying: “Islam’s genius and spiritual capacity do not contradict the intellect, unlike other religions. Moreover, it does not contradict positivist philosophy because Islam fundamentally aligns with the reality of humanity, providing a simplified creed and practical rituals.”

The Severe Consequences of Oppression

Allah, the Exalted, said on the tongue of Yusuf (Joseph), peace be upon him: “He said, ‘I seek refuge in Allah! Should we take anyone except the one with whom we found our property, we would indeed be unjust.’” [Yusuf: 79].

Oppression often leads to stronger counter-oppression, potentially resulting in the destruction of the oppressor and their associates, as stated by Allah: “And fear a trial which will not strike those who have wronged among you exclusively.” [Al-Anfal: 25].

Unexpected complications for the oppressed can occur, such as severe psychological or physical illnesses. Studies have shown that many psychological and mental illnesses stem from severe pressures resulting from significant oppression by stronger parties.

Among the harsh consequences of oppression are wars and both collective and individual revenge, manifesting as physical and moral aggression, leading to bloodshed, violation of honor, coercion, theft of wealth, and usurpation of land and dignity. At the very least, this incurs the wrath of Allah and the anger of living consciences among people. Allah said: “We have not been unjust; surely, we would then indeed be unjust.” [Al-Ma’idah: 107].

Islamic Approach to Education

Will Durant states: “The Prophet’s Hadiths indicate that he encouraged the pursuit of knowledge and held it in high regard, differing in this respect from most religious reformers.”

Honke mentions: “The Prophet enjoined every believer, male and female, to seek knowledge, making it a religious duty. He viewed the deep study of creation and its wonders as a means to understand the Creator’s power. He saw knowledge as illuminating the path of faith and urged his followers to learn from all nations, as knowledge serves religion and originates from God.”

She contrasts this with the teachings of Paul, who said: “Has not the Lord described worldly knowledge as foolishness?” highlighting the difference between the mandatory pursuit of knowledge in Islam and its prohibition in Paul’s teachings and the Christian churches of the dark ages.

The Prophet’s Guidance on Seeking Knowledge

Here are some of the Prophet’s teachings that emphasize the importance of seeking knowledge, eradicating ignorance, and promoting education and wisdom:

  • “Seeking knowledge is an obligation upon every Muslim.”
  • “Indeed, the seeker of knowledge is forgiven by everything, even the fish in the sea.”
  • “Allah revealed to me that whoever embarks on a path in pursuit of knowledge, I will make the path to Paradise easy for him. If he loses his eyes, I will grant him Paradise in compensation. The excellence in knowledge is better than the excellence in worship, and the foundation of religion is piety.”
  • Whoever leaves his home seeking knowledge, the angels lower their wings in approval of his deed until he returns.
  • “Whoever teaches knowledge will receive the reward of those who act upon it, without diminishing their rewards in the least.”
  • “Among the deeds that benefit a believer after his death are knowledge he taught and spread, a righteous child he left behind, or a Quran he bequeathed…”

Importance of Learning in Islam

Ibn Abbas narrated: “Some captives on the day of Badr did not have ransom money, so the Prophet made their ransom teaching the children of the Ansar to read and write… Accepting teaching in exchange for ransom at a time when they were in dire need of money shows Islam’s high regard for knowledge and education.”

In conclusion, the Prophet’s teachings on knowledge and education were extraordinary and noble, deserving reverence and respect. His emphasis on learning and enlightenment was a manifestation of his mercy towards humanity, which led Labeeb Riyashi to lift his hat in admiration, saying: “Indeed, Muhammad, you are the world’s first superman, the messenger of culture and science, the messenger of guidance and sacrifice, the messenger of a new philosophy, the messenger of new humanity.”